Experience the perks of our loyalty program, where you’ll receive up to 4% cashback on every purchase. Each point you earn is equivalent to a penny, and you can collect and redeem points both in-store and online. As a valued member, you’ll gain access to exclusive rewards and discounts. The sign-up process is quick and hassle-free. However, please be aware that the loyalty program does not apply to purchases of disposable vapes. Embrace the advantages of our loyalty program with every purchase you make.
Joining our loyalty program is easy – you can either sign up at any of our 5 stores or complete the process online. To get started, we’ll only require your first and last name, along with your email address. Optionally, you can provide a phone number. These details enable us to send you receipts via email and keep you informed about your accumulated points. Join today and begin enjoying the benefits of our loyalty program.
In-Store redemption of your points is simple. Just let us know at the checkout that you’d like to use your points to offset your purchase. You have the flexibility to either make a full payment using your points (if you have accumulated enough) or choose a partial payment option. Enjoy the convenience of utilising your points towards your purchase and make the most of our loyalty program benefits.